Executive Team
Edward S. Stone, Esq.
Executive Director, General Counsel
Edward Stone brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to his position as Executive Director of Retirees for Justice. He is a practicing lawyer and a well-known expert in the area of pension de-risking. Since 2012, Mr. Stone has worked extensively with retirees and retiree organizations to protect their earned benefits. He has educated lawmakers across the country on the need for federal and state legislation to better protect retirees in pension de-risking transactions.
In 2014, Mr. Stone secured the passage of a “best practices” resolution by the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) which was designed to offer guidance to state legislators on issues relating to pension de-risking transactions and how they affect retirees. In 2015, he testified before the ERISA Advisory Council addressing the need for disclosures both pre- and post- pension risk transfers. Mr. Stone worked with retirees and legislators in his home state to enact Connecticut’s Public Act 15-167, the country’s first state legislation protecting retirees in pension de-risking transfers by restoring creditor protections. He also assisted retiree organizations in successfully advocating for the passage of 2018 legislation in Virginia that provides both creditor protections and protections against subsequent transfers.
Richard Santer
Chief Financial Officer
Richard Santer, FCCA, MBA, has thirty-five years of experience in financial services, including senior manager at Ernst & Young and Deloitte, and Vice President at General Reinsurance Corporation. He has extensive experience in analyzing and evaluating long term insurance liabilities and cash flows. Mr. Santer is a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants and has an MBA in finance. Richard now brings his extensive insurance and financial background to Retirees for Justice and is looking forward to working to protect the earned benefits of retirees.